An almost seven minute long video by Canadian indie band Wintersleep, of their song ‘Amerika’, inspired by the Walt Whitman poem ‘America’, featuring the Donald giving a speech


By Walt Whitman

Centre of equal daughters, equal sons,
All, all alike endear’d, grown, ungrown, young or old,
Strong, ample, fair, enduring, capable, rich,
Perennial with the Earth, with Freedom, Law and Love,
A grand, sane, towering, seated Mother,
Chair’d in the adamant of Time.

Cheese Curd for Bait, by James McIntyre

Cheese is the New Cool

Cheese Curd for Bait


The following adventure was participated in by Mr. J. Podmore and Mr. W. D. Grant at Matheson’s Cold Spring Cheese Factory in Zorra, 1888.


Cheese buyers in hours of leisure

Combine business with pleasure,

And when they wish to go abroad

They take their gun and fishing rod.


This tale is true we pledge our word,

They baited hook with a piece of curd,

And let the rod hang from the boat,

While curd and hook on pond did float.


And then they start for sport and fun,

To try their luck with the shot gun,

And quick they raised from their cover,

Then brought low eight brace of plover.


Now to the pond they do return,

But loss of rod they have to mourn,

They see it rushing through the water,

And wonder what can be the matter.



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A Sensitive Man Session Ale

A Sensitive Man Label
 This beer oughta be worth some poems.

“Warning: Contains Fart and Horse Piss”.

You have to admit that as a marketing strategy, Prince Edward County’s Barley Days Brewery might have wanted to think about that label a bit.

At least that would be in the ordinary beer market. But Greg Landucci’s market, for this beer at least, is not the ordinary light summer ale drinker. ‘A Sensitive Man’ beer will appeal to folks who ‘get’ the literary references – for people who know and love the poetry of one Al Purdy, a national icon who just happened to spend most of his writing years in Ameliasburgh, Prince Edward County.

The well-known Purdy poem ‘At the Quinte Hotel’ was the inspiration for the label.

See here for the poem, along with a video with a reading by Gord Downie and part by Al Purdy himself.

Barley Days owner Chris Rogers, brewer Alex Nichols and sales manager Greg Landucci were inspired to brew the beer and offer it as a fund-raiser to the Al Purdy A-frame Association, because, as Greg says, “Al had strong roots in the County and we want to help keep his legacy alive. And let’s face it, he liked his beer.” Admittedly, there is a nice resonance.

Barley Days Brewery will donate $1 for every six-pack sold, to the APAFA, to support ongoing A-frame restoration, and the writer in residence program. The beer will be ready by July 25; it will be available at Barley Days and on tap at select locations.

For more information – visit the Barley Days website to find out about ‘A Sensitive Man’ and the line-up of other fine ales, lagers and stout.

Actually, it’s not currently listed at their website yet (though that may change), but it is on their facebook page.

For ‘A Sensitive Man’ Greg obtained permission to use that famous Krieger caricature of Al –  plaid pants, pocket protector, huge glasses and flying white hair.

Cool. Definitely going to try me some. 🙂